Rubber mount for side panel
K series pre 9/85
R45/65, G/S, ST
Associated BMW No. 46631236510
Grommet to frame, for "hook" in middle of side panel
K series 9/85 on
R series Mono, paralever GS
Associated BMW No. 46631452400
Grommet side panel to tank, R80/100R
Rear tank grommet, monolever
Grommet side panel to tank, K series
Associated BMW No. 46631453144
Rubber strip on front side panel edge
Associated BMW No.46632309948
Side panel 9/85 on, LHS
Not K1100, K1200, K75, K75S (but incl. K75RT)
Associated BMW No.46631455723
Also available used with 6 months warranty. Phone or email to enquire!